Accommodations Management Regulations for Foreign Students, CIT (Revised)

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Accommodations Management Regulations for Foreign Students, CIT (Revised)

  1. 总则

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一条  为了加强我校留学生宿舍管理,保证留学生在宿舍内的人身和财产安全,维护留学生的正常学习和生活秩序,促进留学生身心健康发展,根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部第41号令)、《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》(教育部、外交部、公安部第42号令)、《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》、《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》等文件精神以及有关法律、法规,结合我校实际情况,制定本规定。

Clause 1The regulations are formulated in accordance with University Students’ Management Rules (Order No. 41 issued by Ministry of Education), Management Regulations on Enrolling and Cultivating Foreign Students (Order No. 42 issued by Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Security), Entry and Exit Management Regulations of the People’s Republic of China, Foreigners’ Entry and Exit Management Regulations of the People’s Republic of China, etc., with reference to relevant laws, regulations and the specific conditions of CIT.

第二条  本规定适用于经我校录取,获得上级教育主管部门批准入读我校,攻读学士学位的外国留学生;入读我校进修汉语的外国留学生;入读我校专业课程的进修生,参加我校与境外友好学校间交流项目、实习项目的外国留学生。

Clause 2The regulations shall apply to foreign students enrolled by CIT for bachelor’s degree education with the approval from higher level education authorities; foreign students studying Mandarin at CIT; foreign students studying professional courses at CIT; foreign students participating in exchange or internship programs with partner universities abroad.

  1. 留学生校内入住、退宿管理

Chapter 2 Foreign Students’ Checking-in and Moving-out Rules

第三条  留学生宿舍资源由学生工作处会同国际交流学院统筹安排和调配,留学生住宿实行按专业、年级、性别等相对集中的原则,禁止男女同住一间寝室。物业公司负责协助留学生住宿方案的落实。

Clause 3Department of Student Affairs shall allocate dorm resources together with School of International Cooperation. Foreign students’ accommodations shall be arranged in accordance with their majors, ages or gender. Male and Female students living together is forbidden. Property management company shall help arrange the accommodation plans.

第四条  办理注册的留学生取得留学生宿舍入住资格,入住留学生必须按物业公司要求办理入住手续、按规定交纳住宿费。入住时须缴纳住房押金、清点室内所有物品并签订住房协议。

Clause 4Registered students shall have accommodation rights. Students should check in and pay accommodation fees according to the requirements of property management company. Deposit shall be paid, all the properties shall be checked and agreement shall be signed upon checking-in.

第五条  因维修、改造以及资源调配等原因需要对宿舍进行调整时,住宿生应服从统一安排,按时搬迁。留学生须按指定的房间和床位入住,严禁未经审批调换房间、床位。不得将本人所住房间私自转让、转租。学校每年六月份进行一次住宿调整,无特殊原因,住宿留学生学期中途不得退宿。

Clause 5 Students should move dormitory on time according to relevant requirements in cases of dormitory repair, reconstruction, or resources allocation, etc. Students should live in their assigned rooms. Change of rooms or beds without permission is not allowed. The rooms are not allowed to lend or rent. CIT shall rearrange the rooms in June each year. Students are not allowed to quit accommodations in the middle of the term without any reasons.

第六条  住宿留学生假期原则上离校休假。确有特殊情况需要留校,应在规定的时间内向国际交流学院提出申请,经国际交流学院审核批准后方可留校住宿。在假期留校期间外出、不在校住宿的,均须办理请假手续。

Clause 6 Students living in the dormitory shall leave campus during holiday time. In special cases where students have to stay on campus, application should be submitted within required time to School of International Cooperation for approval. Students who go outside or live off-campus during holiday time should go through procedures for leave.

第七条  留学生休学、退学、毕业时,应到所在物业公司宿舍管理室办理退宿手续,完成宿舍钥匙、房卡、家具、住宿押金等钱物交接手续,并在规定时间内搬离原住宿舍。个别毕业生因特殊原因不能按规定时间离校者,需经本人申请,由国际交流学院统一安排住宿,并按天计算住宿费用。

Clause 7 Students should have their checking-out procedures done at the property management company upon suspension, dropping-out or graduation with their keys, room cards, furniture, living deposits etc. all transacted. They should move out within required time. In special cases where some students who cannot move out on time, application should be made to School of International Cooperation for accommodation arrangements with the living fees being calculated on a daily basis.

第八条  留学生宿舍按房间类型下达免费用电、用水指标,超量部分按学校有关规定由留学生自付。

Clause 8 Free electricity or water amount shall be calculated according to room types with the exceeding amount being paid by students themselves based on CIT regulations.

  1. 留学生校外住宿管理

Chapter 3 Regulations for Students Living off-campus

第九条  原则上要求留学生在学校安排的宿舍住宿,未经批准一律不得擅自在校外住宿。如确有特殊原因要求在校外住宿者,应向国际交流学院提出申请,办理有关审批手续。获准校外住宿的留学生应严格遵守《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》、《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》、《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》以及常州市公安局有关规定。

Clause 9Students should live in the dormitories. Living off campus without permission is not allowed. In special cases, students should submit application to School of International Cooperation and go through relevant procedures. Students who get approval for living off campus should strictly abide by Entry and Exit Management Regulations of the People’s Republic of China, Foreigners’ Entry and Exit Management Regulations of the People’s Republic of China, Management Regulations on Enrolling and Cultivating Foreign Students, and relevant rules by Changzhou Public Security Bureau.


1. Students submit a written application to School of International Cooperation and provide original leasing contract as well as the copies. The source of the accommodation should be reliable and procedures of leasing should be complete.


2. School of International Cooperation and tutors should explain the possible consequences of living off campus and students’ personal responsibility before giving approval.


3. Students who get the approval should fill in the Accommodation Registration Form for Students Living off Campus (in two copies) and go through relevant procedures.


4. Students with the approval for living off campus should register at District Public Security Bureau with the original registration form, passport, residence permit, etc. within 24 hours of moving-in with the help of the house renter. The temporary accommodation registration form should be submitted to School of International Cooperation.


5. Students who want to change living places should re-register at the new living place.


6. The temporary accommodation registration shall become invalid upon students’ leaving China and shall become valid again after re-registration at the original register place.


Clause 10 Students who are approved to live off campus should promise to fulfill the following responsibilities.


1. Abide by laws and rules of the People’s Republic of China and the rental agreement. Conform to Chinese customs, traditions and social morality. Pay special attention to keeping quiet without disturbing the neighborhood.


2. Abide by CIT rules and regulations and subject to the management of relevant departments.


3. Promise to keep life and property safety. Students should shoulder all the responsibilities for conflicts or accidents occurred due to living off campus.

第十一条  获准校外住宿的留学生必须遵守报告制度,如实向国际交流学院报告自己校外住所的详细地址,有效联系方式,并保持信息畅通。

Clause 11Students who get approval should honestly report their living address, contact information to School of International Cooperation and keep in contact.

第十二条  国际交流学院分管领导和辅导员要及时了解和掌握校外住宿留学生的情况,建立登记走访、联系制度,定期对校外住宿的留学生进行走访,了解留学生在校外住宿的有关情况,关心他们的学习、生活,帮助他们解决实际困难,对其在校外住宿期间出现的不良现象进行批评教育。对于留学生租住民房中出现的问题,应及时提出处理建议。

Clause 12 Directors and tutors of School of International Cooperation should timely know about the living situations of the students who live off campus. The system of registration, visit, and contact should be established. Regular visits should be conducted so as to better knowstudents’ living, learning, studying conditions and help them solve problems. Students’ bad behaviors during their living off campus will be educated. Timely suggestions should be made concerning problems arising from living in private houses.


Clause 13Students living off campus who break CIT relevant regulations shall be punished according to Foreign Students’ Punishment of Discipline Violation at CIT (Revised).

第四章 留学生宿舍内行为管理

Chapter 4 Indoor Behavior Regulations

第十四条  服从并配合宿舍管理部门和工作人员的管理。

Clause 14Abide by the management of dormitory management department and working staff.

第十五条  自觉履行宿舍保洁义务,尊重他人劳动,自觉维护公共环境卫生,主动接受和配合宿舍管理部门的监督和检查。

Clause 15Keep the dormitory clean and respect other’s labor. Maintain the public environment clean. Accept the management and inspection of dormitory management department.

第十六条  宿舍所有成员都有责任保持自己使用的家具及摆放物品的整洁卫生和整齐划一,不在寝室内吐痰、乱扔杂物,不将室内垃圾扫至走廊,生活垃圾实行袋装化。

Clause 16 Dormitory members have the responsibility of keeping the furniture and properties good and tidy. No spitting and littering is allowed in the dormitory. Throwing rubbish into the corridor is forbidden. Rubbish should be gathered in rubbish bags.

第十七条  严格遵守作息制度,按时起床、归宿、就寝、熄灯。

Clause 17 Strictly abide by the study and rest system. Get up, go back to dormitory, go sleep and turn off the lights on time.

第十八条  保持宿舍内安静,使用音响、电脑等应以不干扰他人为前提;不大声喧哗、嬉闹及进行影响他人学习、休息的娱乐、体育活动;不准个人购买洗衣机等大噪音设备在宿舍内使用;宿舍内使用电话应轻声细语,以不影响他人为宜。

Clause 18Keep quiet in dormitory and use audio, computer etc. without disturbing others. Loud speaking, playing, or other entertainments or sports which interrupt others’ study and rest is not allowed. Buying facilities with loud noise such as washing machine and using in dorm is not allowed. The voice should be low when calling in dorms without disturbing others.

第十九条  团结友爱、文明交往、互相帮助、不吵嘴、不打架、不酗酒、不赌博、不聚众哄闹。

Clause 19Be united and friendly, communicate in a polite way, help each other, no quarreling, no fighting, no addiction to wine, no gambling and no gathering noisily.

第二十条  注意宿舍内物品安全,妥善保管好贵重物品,及时将多余现金存入银行。最后离开宿舍的同学应随手关好门窗,关灯,关闭水龙头。

Clause 20 Keep property, especially valuable property safe, and deposit remaining cash into bank. The student who leave dormitory last should close windows and doors, turn off lights and taps.

第二十一条  严禁在宿舍区域进行促销、经营等商业活动及宗教活动。

Clause 21Business activities like promotion, trading, religious activities in dormitory areas are forbidden.


Clause 22Pay attention to safety when using electric facilities in dormitory, public kitchen, public laundry, and activity rooms. Cut off power when nobody is in the room. Extra power usage or electric facilities usage such as electric cooker, electric cup, fast heating, electric irons and blanket is allowed. No damage on power supply facilities in dormitory and no stealing public power.


Clause 23 Save water and keep all kinds of water pipes unobstructed. No littering in washing pool and toilet.


Clause 24No fire using(including candle, alcohol stove, kerosene stove, gas stove, mosquito incense, cigarette, etc.), burning paper or junk, or cooking in dormitory is allowed.

第二十五条  不在阳台栏杆上放置凳子、哑铃等重物,不向窗外和阳台外抛砸各种物品,泼倒废水等。

Clause 25 No putting heavy stuff like stool or dumbbell on balcony railing. No littering or pouring waste water out of window or balcony.

第二十六条  不在宿舍内饲养狗、猫、鸟等动物。

Clause 26No pet dogs, cats, birds, etc. in dormitory.

第二十七条  不在宿舍内乱贴海报、乱画;禁止在宿舍区域内散发、张贴和展览宣传品;禁止在留学生活动室私自放映电影、录像等。

Clause 27 No painting or posting without permission in dormitory. No handing out, posting or exhibiting promos in dormitory area. No broadcasting films or videos in the activity room.

第二十八条  严禁携带易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射、管制刀具等威胁人身财产安全物品或淫秽、反动物品进入宿舍。对携带物品出入宿舍者,宿舍管理人员认为有必要检查时,当事人应接受检查并登记备案。

Clause 28 No carrying threatening stuff like inflammable, explosive, poisonous, radioactive things or controlled knives, obscene or reactionary stuff into dormitory. When necessary, dormitory management staff will investigate the relevant students who should cooperate and register for record.

第二十九条  自觉维护楼道、公共厨房、公共洗衣房等公共场所卫生,公共厨房内不得存放个人餐具、厨具等物品,不在楼道等公共场所堆放个人物品。

Clause 29 Maintain sanitation in public areas like corridor, public kitchen, public laundry, etc. No deposit of personal tableware or cooking equipment in public kitchen. No personal stuff in public area such as corridor.

第三十条  留学生宿舍出入口、走道、楼梯、天台等公共部位必须保持畅通和空旷,不得在以上地方停放自行车、电瓶车、摩托车和摆放物品。

Clause 30 Keep public areas like entrance of dormitory, corridor, stairs, rooftop, etc. unobstructed and empty. No parking of bikes, electric bicycles, motorcycles or deposit of stuff in such areas.

第三十一条  除由学校、国际交流学院组织并在宿舍管理部门备案的各项参观、检查活动,以及宿舍管理部门组织的检查、维修等日常工作外,所有来访人员须在宿舍值班室登记,同时出示相关合法有效证件,在指定场所等候、会客。特殊情况须经过工作人员同意并交押相关合法有效证件后,同性人员可进入被访同学宿舍,来访结束后,须到值班室填写访问结束登记单,领取证件。严禁来访人员进入异性宿舍

Clause 31 Except the recorded dormitory visits or inspections organized by CIT or School of International Cooperation or the regular inspections or maintenance organized by the dormitory management office, all the visitors should register at the dormitory management office with valid identifications and wait or meet in specified places. In special conditions, visitors of the same gender can enter the dormitory with the agreement of the working staff as well as the deposit of the valid identifications. After the visit, visitors should go to the management office to finish the registration and get their identifications. Visitors of different gender are forbidden to enter the dormitory.

第三十二条  留学生宿舍周日~周四22:30闭锁楼门,周五、周六23:00闭锁楼门。留学生平时22:30前、周末23:00应按时回自己所住宿舍就寝。晚归留学生一律凭本人有效证件进行登记并说明原因后方可进入宿舍。不得翻越宿舍围墙、栏杆;不得擅自夜不归宿;不得私自留宿他人(包括在校外住宿的留学生)。

Clause 32 Students’ dormitory closes at 22:30 from Sunday to Thursday and at 23:00 on Friday and Saturday. Students must return before 22:30 on weekdays and 23:00 on weekends. Students who return late are only allowed to enter by registering with valid identifications and explaining the reasons. No climbing over the walls or fences. No staying out overnight without permission. No allowing outsiders to stay overnight in the dormitory (including students living off campus.)

第三十三条  计算机等大件贵重物品进出留学生宿舍须经物业同意并做好登记,请所有人做好保管工作,并按有关规定合理使用。

Clause 33 Carrying big and expensive articles such as computers into or out of the dormitory should be permitted by Property Management Office and get registered. Students need to take good care of their properties and use them properly according to relevant regulations.

第三十四条  学校、相关职能部门、国际交流学院、物业公司等将定期开展安全、卫生检查及清扫,留学生应积极主动配合并支持,不得予以拒绝。

Clause 34CIT, together with relevant administrative departments, School of International Cooperation, Property Management Company should carry out regular inspections on dormitory safety and sanitation. Students should actively cooperate with the inspections. Inspections can’t be declined.

第三十五条  留学生须遵守留学生宿舍管理制度,如发现异常情况要及时上报宿舍管理人员、国际交流学院或学校保卫部门。

Clause 35Students should abide by the dormitory management regulations. Abnormal conditions should be reported timely to the dormitory management staff, School of International Cooperation or Security Department.

第五章 奖励和处罚

Chapter 5 Rewards and Punishments

第三十六条  每学期末,国际交流学院对留学生宿舍进行考核,留学生在宿舍的表现与留学生的奖学金评定挂钩。

Clause 36In the end of each term, School of International Cooperation will conduct evaluations upon students’ performance in the dormitory, which is linked to the scholarships.


Clause 37 The damage of dormitory facilities should be reported to the dormitory management staff who will arrange the repairing if it results from normal damage. Students should pay full price for the damaged doors, windows, furniture, lights and other facilities due to the improper use. Facilities like furniture in the dormitories are forbidden to be moved. If furniture is disassembled, students must get them assembled and pay for the damage.

第三十八条  损坏宿舍内的公共设施、家具、门窗等物品,须照价赔偿;造成宿舍内共有财产、公共财产损失,责任不清的,由宿舍成员共同赔偿;对有故意损坏行为者,视情节轻重,给予警告以上处分。

Clause 38 Students should pay full price for the damage of dormitory properties such as public facilities, furniture, doors or windows, etc. When responsibility can’t be attributed to a particular student, all the dormitory members are deemed to be equally responsible for the loss or damage of common or public properties and shoulder the compensation together. Students with intentional damage behaviors shall receive warnings or severer sanctions.

第三十九条  对在宿舍内行为不当者,宿舍管理人员有责任给予批评教育;对拒不接受教育者,国际交流学院依据《常州工学院留学生违纪处分规定(修订)》等有关条款,视情节轻重给予警告直至开除学籍处分。

Clause 39 Dormitory management staff has responsibilities to criticize students with improper behaviors in the dormitory. Students who refuse the criticism will receive warning or severer sanctions like expulsion according to relevant articles in CIT Punishment Regulations for Disciplinary Offence of International Students (Revised).

第六章 附则

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

第四十条  本规定自发布之日起执行,由国际交流合作处负责解释。本规定中未涉及的影响宿舍正常安全、秩序的其它行为,将参照相近条文或有关规定进行处理。

Clause 40The provisions come into effect from the date it is issued and Department of International Exchange and Cooperation is authorized for further explanation. Other behaviors affecting dormitory security and order but not included in the regulations will be handled with reference to other similar clauses or regulations.