Administrative Regulations for Foreign Students, CIT (Revised)

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Administrative Regulations for Foreign Students, CIT (Revised)

  1. 总 则

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一条  为规范学校留学生管理,维护学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,保障留学生合法权益,根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部第41号令)、《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》(教育部、外交部、公安部第42号令)、《常州工学院学生管理规定》以及有关法律、法规,结合我校留学生实际,特制定本规定。

Clause 1 The regulations are formulated in accordance with University Students’ Management Rules (Order No. 41 issued by Ministry of Education); Management Regulations on Enrolling and Cultivating Foreign Students(Order No. 42 issued by Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Security); Administrative Rules for Students, Changzhou Institute of Technology (CIT), with reference to relevant laws, regulations and the specific conditions of foreign students in CIT, for the purpose of standardizing the management of foreign students, maintaining the teaching and living order, and safeguarding foreign students’ legitimate rights and interests.

第二条  本规定适用于:经我校录取,获得上级教育主管部门批准入读我校,攻读学士学位的外国留学生;入读我校进修汉语的外国留学生;入读我校专业课程的进修生;参加我校与境外友好学校间交流项目、实习项目的外国留学生(以下简称“留学生”)。

Clause 2 The regulations shall apply to foreign students enrolled by CIT for bachelor’s degree education with the approval from higher level education authorities; foreign students learning mandarin at CIT; foreign students studying professional courses at CIT; foreign students participating in exchange or internship programs with partner universities abroad. (Hereinafter referred to as “students”).

第三条  实施留学生管理,尊重和保护留学生的合法权利,教育和引导留学生承担应尽的义务与责任,鼓励和支持留学生实行自我管理、自我服务、自我教育、自我监督。

Clause 3 The regulations helps to carry out student management, respect and protect their legitimate rights and interests; educate and guide them to undertake their obligations and responsibilities; encourage and support their self-management, self-service, self-education and self-supervision.

  1. 留学生的权利与义务

Chapter 2 Students’ Rights and Obligations


Clause 4 Students enjoy the following rights during their studies at CIT.


1. Take part in various activities organized according to the teaching plans. Use the teaching and learning resources provided by CIT.


2. Participate in social practice, voluntary service, work-study programs, entertainments and sports, scientific technology and cultural innovation activities, etc. Have access to career guidance and services.


3. Apply for the scholarships for foreign students.


4. Get a fair assessment on academic records or school performance. Receive graduation certificate and degree certificate after finishing the required academic studies.


5. Organize or join in student associations on campus. Participate in school management in an appropriate way. Enjoy the rights to know, to take part in, to express views on and to supervise the affairs concerning students’ rights and interest.


6. Students disagreeing with the punishment decisions announced by CIT can appeal against the decisions to CIT or education administrative departments. Students whose legal personal or property rights are violated by the teaching or administrative staff can lodge an appeal or file a lawsuit according to relevant laws.


6. Other rights stipulated in Chinese laws, regulations or rules of CIT.

第五条  学生在校期间依法履行下列义务:

Clause 5 Students should fulfill the following obligations during their studies at CIT.


1. Observe the Constitution of the People Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations. Respect Chinese social merits, customs and habits.


2. Comply with the administrative rules of CIT.


3. Study hard and complete the stipulated studies.


4. Pay the tuition and relevant fees as specified. Fulfill the obligations of various scholarships.


5. Obey the Student Code of Conduct. Respect teachers and cultivate good personal habits and behaviors.


6. Other obligations stipulated in Chinese laws, regulations, and rules of CIT.

第三章 学籍管理

Chapter 3 Student Status Management


Clause 6 Student status management is carried out with reference to CIT Foreign Student Status Management Rules (Revised).

第四章 请假与销假

Chapter 4 Asking for Leave and Reporting Back

第七条 学生请假应提出书面申请。请假一天以内,由国际交流学院留学生辅导员签字批准;请假一天以上、一周以内,由国际交流学院留学生辅导员审核、分管副院长签字批准;请假一周以上,由国际交流学院审核、教务处批准。学生请病假需凭校医务室或县级以上医院证明。若因急病不能及时履行请假手续的,须经留学生辅导员核实确认,否则不得补假,同时在返校时补交正规医院相关证明材料(不含:XX诊所、XX药房等非正规医疗机构)。请事假须附其他有关证明。如请假外出常州市,必须写清楚出行路线、乘车工具、随行人员、联系方式及事由,报国际交流学院备案。

Clause 7 Students asking for leave should hand in a written application in advance. The signature of the class counselor of School of International Cooperation is required in cases of leaving for one day or less. Leaving for more than one day and less than a week should first be verified by the class counselor and then signed by the deputy dean for approval. Leaving for more than a week should first be verified by School of International Cooperation with the application forms being submitted to Department of Academic Affairs for approval. Sickness leave requires the submission of medical records from the university clinics or hospitals above the county level. If the students can not finish the procedure in time due to acute disease, the class counselor in charge must confirm it; otherwise the applications cannot be accepted. When the students return to school, they are required to submit relevant proof materials provided by the hospitals (informal medical organizations such as XX clinic, XX pharmacy, etc will not be allowed). The applications for leave should be attached with proof materials. If the students travel out of Changzhou, they must write clearly the trip route, transportation tools, entourage, contact information and reasons. All of the above information must be reported to School of International Cooperation and kept as recording files.


Clause 8 If students can’t attend classes for taking part in important school activities, a written application should be submitted by the activity organizer or relevant departments. Asking for leave within a week needs to be verified by School of International Cooperation for approval. Asking for leave for more than a week should be approved by Department of Academic Affairs.

第九条 原则上,除病假外,请假不得超过一周,每学期累计请假时长不得超过15天,特殊情况需说明理由。

Clause 9 Except for sickness leave, absence should not exceed a week. The total absence time each semester cannot exceed 15 days. Reasons for longer absence are required and approved under special circumstance.

第十条  各类课程的考试一般不得请假。学生因病或其它特殊原因不能参加考试时,应向国际交流学院提交相关证明和“缓考申请表”,经批准后可缓考。未经批准擅自缺考或在课程开考后交送缓考申请的,按旷考处理。

Clause 10 Students cannot ask for leave when there are exams. If students cannot sit the exams due to sickness or other special circumstances, an application for deferred exams, together with proof materials, should be submitted in advance to School of International Cooperation. Deferred exams are only allowed after permission. If students do not sit the exams without permission or submit the applications for deferred exams after the scheduled exam time, the students will be regarded as being absent from the exams.

十一 请假期满后必须及时到国际交流学院销假,否则被视为缺勤。学生请假期满,如有特殊原因,不能返校时,应说明事由并向国际交流学院申请续假。不续假者、续假不成者以旷课论处。

Clause 11 Students are required to report to School of International Cooperation to terminate absence when coming back to CIT. Failing to do so will be regarded as being absent after the given period. In special cases when students cannot come back to CIT in time, the application to School of International Cooperation for extending absence is required. Otherwise, students will be regarded as being absent.

十二 对于旷课的留学生,学校给予批评教育,情节严重的给予纪律处分。具体执行细则详见《常州工学院留学生违纪处分规定(修订)》执行。

Clause 12 Students being absent from classes will receive criticism from CIT. Frequent absence will lead to disciplinary sanctions. Please find penalty details in CIT Rules of Punishment for Disciplinary Offence of Foreign Students (Revised).

第五章 校园秩序与课外活动

Chapter 5 Campus Order and Extracurricular Activities

第十三条  学校、留学生共同维护校园正常秩序,保障学校环境安全、稳定,保障留学生的正常学习和生活。

Clause 13 CIT ensures a well-organized campus together with students, maintains the security and stability on campus, and guarantees the normal study and daily life of students.

第十四条  学校建立和完善留学生参与管理的组织形式,支持和保障留学生依法、依章程参与学校管理。

Clause 14 CIT establishes and improves the organizations through which students participate in school management, supporting and ensuring that the participation should abide by relevant laws and rules.

第十五条  留学生应当自觉遵守中国公民道德规范,自觉遵守学校管理制度,创造和维护文明、整洁、优美、安全的学习和生活环境,树立安全风险防范和自我保护意识,保障自身合法权益。

Clause 15 Students should adhere to Chinese citizens’ code of ethics and CIT’s management rules, thus creating and maintaining a civilized, clean, beautiful and safe learning and living environment. Students should promote the awareness of safety risk prevention and self-protection, thus guaranteeing legal personal rights.

第十六条  留学生不得有酗酒、打架斗殴、赌博、吸毒,传播、复制、贩卖非法书刊和音像制品等违法行为;不得参与非法传销和进行邪教、封建迷信活动;不得从事或者参与有损大学生形象、有悖社会公序良俗的活动;不得有无证驾驶机动车辆和驾驶无证车辆等违反治安管理规定的行为。

Clause 16 Students should not violate laws or regulations by excessive drinking, fighting, gambling, drug addiction, spreading, duplicating or selling of illegal books and audio-video products, etc. Students are forbidden to participate in pyramid selling, illegal religions, superstitious activities, and activities that damage the image of university students or are contrary to public order or morals. Students should not violate the administrative rules of public security by driving vehicles without licenses, driving unlicensed vehicles, etc.


If any student violates law or has serious spiritual diseases that could do harm to others, CIT will take necessary measures by law or provide assistance to relevant departments in handling the issue.

第十七条  学校坚持教育与宗教相分离原则。任何组织和个人不得在学校进行宗教活动。学校尊重留学生的民俗和宗教信仰,但不提供举行宗教仪式的场所。校园内严禁进行传教及宗教聚集等宗教活动,严禁张贴宗教宣传类海报。

Clause 17 CIT insists on the separation of education and religion. No organizations or individuals are allowed to conduct religious activities. CIT respects social customs and religious beliefs of students but does not provide places for rituals. Activities such as religious preaching and gathering, posting of religious posters are forbidden on campus.

第十八条  留学生可以在校内组织、参加学生社团(但不得组织宗教类社团)。留学生成立社团,可参照《常州工学院学生社团管理办法》提出书面申请,报学校批准。留学生社团应当在中国宪法、法律、法规和学校管理制度范围内活动,接受学校的领导和管理。留学生社团不得在校园内张贴全外文海报。

Clause 18 Students are allowed to organize and join in student associations on campus (not including religious associations). Students can also establish their own associations by submitting written applications to CIT for approval with reference to CIT Measures for the Management of Student Associations. Student associations should abide by the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, relevant Chinese laws and regulations, management rules of CIT as well as accept the leadership and supervision of CIT.Posters written in foreign languages are forbidden to be posted on campus.

第十九条  学校提倡并支持留学生及留学生团体开展有益于身心健康的学术、科技、艺术、文娱、体育等活动。留学生进行课外活动不得影响学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序。

Clause 19 Academic, scientific and technological, recreational and physical activities organized by students and student associations are always encouraged and supported provided that they are beneficial to students’ physical and mental health and do not affect the regular teaching and living order.

第二十条  学校鼓励、支持和指导留学生在条件允许的情况下参加社会实践、社会服务活动和开展勤工助学活动,并根据实际情况给予必要帮助。

Clause 20 Students are encouraged, supported and guided to take part in various activities such as social practice, social services and work-study programs only if the condition allows. Necessary assistance will be provided based on the actual situation.

第二十一条  留学生经学校批准,可以在校内指定的地点和范围,举行庆祝本国重要传统节日的活动,但不得有反对、攻击其他国家的内容或违反公共道德的言行。

Clause 21 Students may hold activities to celebrate important traditional festivals of their native country in specific places approved by CIT without words or behaviors that harm other countries or violate public morals.

第二十二条 留学生应当遵守国家和学校关于网络使用的有关规定,不得登录非法网站和传播非法文字、音频、视频资料等,不得编造或者传播虚假、有害信息;不得攻击、侵入他人计算机和移动通讯网络系统。

Clause 22 Students should comply with relevant provisions on using internet formulated by the country and CIT. Students are forbidden to log on illegal websites, or spreading illegal texts, audios, videos, etc.; to fabricate or spread fake or harmful information; to attack or hack into others’ computers and mobile telecommunication systems.

第二十三条  校建立健全留学生住宿管理制度。留学生应当遵守《常州工学院留学生住宿管理规定(修订)》。

Clause 23 Efforts will be made to establish and improve the accommodation management systems for students. They should abide by CIT Accommodation Management Rules for Foreign Students (Revised).

第六章 奖励与处分

Chapter 6 Rewards and Punishments

  1. 奖  励

Section 1 Rewards

第二十四条  学校对在学业成绩、科技创造、体育竞赛、文艺活动、志愿服务及社会实践等方面表现突出的留学生,给予表彰和奖励。

Clause 24 CIT commends and rewards students with outstanding academic records or standing out in scientific and technological innovation, sports competitions, cultural and recreational activities, voluntary service, social work, etc.

第二十五条  学校对留学生的表彰和奖励采取授予荣誉称号、颁发奖学金等多种形式,给予留学生相应的精神鼓励或物质奖励。

Clause 25 Students will be awarded with spiritual encouragement or material rewards in various means such as conferring honorable titles or providing scholarship, etc.

第二十六条  学校对留学生予以表彰和奖励,以及确定省或国家有关部门的表彰和奖励等赋予留学生利益的行为,建立公开、公平、公正的程序和规定,建立和完善相应的选拔、公示等制度。

Clause 26 CIT establishes open and fair procedures and regulations, and improves relevant systems of selection, publicity, etc. for commending and awarding students, recommending outstanding students for commends and rewards at provincial or national level.

第二十七条  留学生申报各类校内表彰和奖励有关具体执行细则详见相关留学生奖励评选方案执行。

Clause 27 CIT gives various commends and rewards to foreign students with reference to relevant awarding plans.

第二节  处  分

第二十八条  为维护学校正常的教育教学活动和生活秩序,确保留学生良好的学习、生活环境,根据教育部有关文件精神和学校有关规定,对有违法、违纪行为的留学生,学校将根据行为性质和过错程度给予批评教育和相应的纪律处分。具体执行细则详见《常州工学院留学生违纪处分规定(修订)》执行。

Clause 28 To maintain the order of teaching and daily life as well as ensure a good learning and living environment, students breaking the laws or breaching the regulations will receive penalty or disciplinary sanction based on the damage or effect of the improper behaviors in accordance with relevant rules or regulations issued by Ministry of Education and CIT. The punishments are carried out with reference to CIT Regulations of Punishment on Disciplinary Offence of Foreign Students (Revised).

第二十九条  留学生对学校作出的纪律处分决定或取消入学资格、退学处理有异议提出申诉的,可参照《常州工学院学生管理规定》第六章“学生申诉”的流程及要求,向学校学生申诉处理委员会提出申诉。

Clause 29 If students disagree with the administrative decisions such disciplinary sanction, cancellation of enrollment or expulsion, they can appeal to Student Appeals Committee with reference to the procedures and requirements illustrated in Chapter 6, Administrative Rules for Students, CIT.

第七章 涉外管理

Chapter 7 Management of Foreign Affairs

三十条  留学生在校学习期间的各类出入境手续由国际交流学院负责按照有关规定协助学生办理。手续办理过程中产生的体检费、证件费、签证费等费用由留学生本人承担。

Clause 30 School of International Cooperation is responsible for assisting students with all the entry and exit formalities during the study period. Students should pay all the fees for the formalities such as medical check, certificates, visa, etc.

第三十一条  根据《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》(教育部、外交部、公安部第42号令)的要求,学习时间超过六个月的留学生(含按原学习计划继续学习超过六个月的学生)必须在中国大陆购买包括平安险、人身意外伤害医疗险、住院医疗保险的团体综合保险,保险费用由留学生本人承担。未办理保险学生,不得办理注册。

Clause 31 According to Management Regulations on Enrolling and Cultivating Foreign Students(Order No. 42 issued by Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Security), students whose study length is more than 6 months should buy comprehensive insurance in China, which includes insurances for safety, medical treatment for accidental injuries and hospitalization. The insurance expenses should be paid by students themselves. Students are not allowed to register at CIT without buying insurance.

第三十二条  留学生毕业、结业、肄业、退学后,必须在规定的时间内出境。对退学或受到开除学籍处分的留学生,学校应及时通知上级教育主管部门及公安机关出入境管理部门,公安机关出入境管理部门依法收缴其所持的外国人居留证或缩短其在华停留期。

Clause 32 Students should leave China within the specified period after graduation, completion or incompletion of studies, or withdrawing from CIT. For students who get the disciplinary sanction of removal and dismissal from CIT, CIT should inform higher education departments and the Exit-entry administration departments of public security in time. The latter will confiscate their resident permits or shorten their stay period in China.

第三十三条  留学生突发公共事件,按照《常州工学院留学生突发公共事件应急处理预案(修订)》处理,并按照相关规定及时上报上级有关部门。

Clause 33 Unexpected public affairs of students will be dealt with according to CIT Emergency Treatment of Foreign Students’ Unexpected Public Affairs (Revised). Meanwhile, it shall be reported to relevant upper-level departments according to relevant regulations.

第八章 附 则

Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions

第三十四条  本规定自发布之日起执行,由国际交流合作处负责解释。

Clause 34 The regulations come into effect from the date it is issued and Department of International Exchange and Cooperation is authorized for further explanation.