Bachelor's Degree Conference Regulations for Foreign Students, CIT (Revised)
总 则
Chapter One General Provisions
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国学位条例》、《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》、《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》、《国务院学位委员会关于普通高等学校授予来华留学生我国学位试行办法》、《江苏省普通高校学士学位授予工作暂行管理办法》等文件精神,参照《常州工学院学士学位授予办法》,结合学校实际,制定本办法。
Clause 1 The regulations are formulated in accordance with Regulations on Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China; Interim Measures for the Implementation of Academic Degrees of the People’s Republic of China; Management Regulations on Enrolling and Cultivating Foreign Students; Rules on Conferring Degrees to Foreign Students by Institutions of Higher Learning (Trial) by State Council Degree Committee; Interim Administrative Measures on Bachelor’s Degree Conferring by Regular Institutions of Higher Learning in Jiangsu Province and other relevant documents, with reference to Measures on Conferring Bachelor’s Degree, CIT and the specific conditions of CIT.
第二条 本办法适用于经我校录取,获得上级教育主管部门批准入读我校,攻读学士学位的外国留学生。
Clause 2 The regulations shall apply to foreign students who are enrolled by CIT with the approval from higher level education authorities for degree education at CIT.
Chapter 2 Conditions of Degree Conferring
第三条 符合下列条件的留学毕业生,经学校学位评定委员会核准,可授予学士学位:
Clause 3Foreign students who meet the following conditions shall be conferred Bachelor’s Degree after the nomination has been approved by the CIT Degree Evaluation Committee.
1. Students with good manners and comply with laws of the People’s Republic of China, abide by the rules and regulations of CIT and respect Chinese traditional culture and customs.
2. Students who successfully complete course study, internships and graduation thesis (including graduation project or other graduation internships) and obtain the total credits stipulated for the specified major can graduate after review and approval; Students who are equipped with the ability to undertake scientific research or to engage in a special technical field with a good grasp of basic theories, specialized knowledge, and basic skills in the discipline concerned.
3. Students who have learned some basic Chinese and are capable of using Chinese in daily life and reading basic Chinese references related to the specified major. Foreign graduates whose courses are taught in Chinese should pass HSK Level-5 test or take part in Chinese language test for Bachelor’s Degree organized by CIT and meet the required standard. Graduates whose courses are taught in English should pass HSK Level-3 test or take part in Chinese language test for Bachelor’s Degree organized by CIT and meet the required standard.
第四条 凡有下列情况之一者,不授予学士学位:
Clause 4 Students under the following circumstances shall not be conferred Bachelor’s Degree:
1. Students without graduation qualifications.
2. Students whose Chinese language level fails to meet the stipulated requirements during the study at CIT.
3. Students who are punished for cheating.
4. Students whose graduation project (thesis) is the product of plagiarism or data falsification.
5. Other conditions which CIT Degree Evaluation Committee denies the conferring of Bachelor’s degree.
Chapter 3 Degree Conferring Procedures
第五条 学士学位授予工作按照下述程序执行:
Clause 5 Bachelor’s degree shall be conferred according to the following procedures:
1. Based on requirements for Bachelor’s degree conferring, School of International Cooperation, together with the Degree Evaluation Committee of subordinate schools shall first review the materials which describe graduates’ performance, academic records and graduation evaluation, etc. and subsequently submit relevant documents such as preliminary review, voting process and the list of qualified candidates to the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of CIT.
2. CIT shall hold a meeting attended by all the members of Degree Evaluation Committee to discuss and audit the relevant documents, thus making final decisions on conferring Bachelor’s degree.
3. The degree certificate shall be valid from the date when the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee makes the decisions.
第六条 学士学位补授工作规定如下:
Clause 6Rules for Reissuing Bachelor’s Degree are as follows:
1. Students whose course scores don’t reach the requirements for degree conferring can submit applications for retaking relevant courses within the maximum study period allowed. The degree can be reissued if the student passes the exams, gains the credits as stipulated and meets all the requirements for degree conferring.
2. Students who fail to obtain the degree due to insufficient Chinese language level can take HSK test or the Chinese Language Test for Bachelor’s degree organized by CIT within the maximum period study allowed. The degree can be reissued if the student passes the language test and meets all the requirements for degree conferring.
3. Procedures of reissuing Bachelor’s Degree are the same as those stated in Chapter 3, Clause 5.
4. Application for degree reissuing shall only be handled in early June and December every year.
第七条 学士学位授予工作的管理职能部门为教务处、国际交流合作处。教务处负责学位授予初审信息汇总与复查、学位证书制作;国际交流合作处负责学位证书填写、发放以及学位授予信息的上报等工作。
Clause 7 The departments responsible for managing the conferring of Bachelor’s Degree are Department of Academic Affairs and Department of International Exchange and Cooperation. The former shall be responsible for information collection, preliminary review of bachelor awarding materials and making degree certificates while the latter shall be responsible for filling in degree certificates, conferring diploma and reporting the degree information to relevant departments.
Chapter 4 Management of Degree Certificate
第八条 教务处、国际交流合作处负责按教育部留学生学位证书格式要求统一制作学位证书。学位证书统一编号,加盖学校公章和校长签字章,并由专人负责保管。
Clause 8 Department of Academic Affairs and Department of International Exchange and Cooperation shall make Degree Certificate according to foreign students’ degree diploma format requirements of Ministry of Education. Degree Certificates shall be numbered with CIT and president’s signature and stamp. They shall be kept by assigned staff.
第九条 学士学位证书发放的要求和流程如下:
Clause 9Requirements and procedures for conferring Bachelor’s Degree Certificates are as follows:
1. School of International Cooperation shall be responsible for Degree Certificate conferment.
2. School of International Cooperation shall arrange Degree Certificate conferment in time. Students are required to finish departing procedures within the stipulated period to get the certificate. Otherwise, certificates shall not be conferred. Those who get the certificates shall sign their names in the confirmation forms.
3. Degree information cannot be revised once submitted and registered electronically. School of International Cooperation shall remind students who get the certificates to confirm information in the certificates on site. Mistakes in the certificates shall be settled at Department of International Exchange and Cooperation within the same day so as to avoid inconvenience to students.
4. Degree Certificate can only be conferred in person and shall not be sent by post by School of International Cooperation.
第十条 学位授予记录相关材料整理成册,由国际交流合作处递交学校综合档案室存档。
Clause 10 Files of degree conferment shall be compiled into lists, which shall be transferred to CIT’s file room by Department of International Exchange and Cooperation.
第十一条 留学生如遗失学位证书,可到学校档案馆申请办理学士学位证明书。
Clause 11In cases where the degree certificate is lost, the student can submit an application to CIT Archives for a proof of the Bachelor’s Degree.
附 则
Chapter 5 Appendix
第十二条 本办法自2016级留学生开始执行。本规定未尽事宜,由学校学位评定委员会研究决定。
Clause 12Regulations shall be executed from students enrolled in 2016. Issues not mentioned herein shall be submitted to CIT Degree Evaluation Committee for resolutions.
第十三条 本办法由学校学位评定委员会办公室和国际交流合作处负责解释。
Clause 13 Office of Degree Evaluation Committee and Department of International Exchange and Cooperation shall be responsible for the necessary explanation.