Curriculum Evaluation Rules and Regulations for Foreign Students, CIT (Revised)

Publisher:系统管理员Release time:2022-04-08Number of views:302


Curriculum Evaluation Rules and Regulations for Foreign Students, CIT (Revised)

  1. 总  则

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  1. 凡留学生专业培养方案中设置的课程均要进行考核。

Clause 1 All the courses set in foreign students’ (Hereinafter referred to as “students”) professional teaching plans shall be evaluated.

  1. 凡本校在籍留学生必须参加所修课程的考核,考核通过后方可获得相应学分。

Clause 2Registered students are required to take examinations or assessments of all courses they attend. Relevant credits shall be given if examinations or assessments are passed.

第三条  课程考核由课程归口的二级学院(体育教学部)参照《常州工学院课程考核管理办法(试行)》进行试卷(题)库建设与管理、考试组织、监考、评分和管理。

Clause 3The school (teaching section of PE) is responsible for the curriculum evaluation, namely, establishing and managing question bank, organizing, supervising, grading, and managing examinations according to Curriculum Evaluation Rules and Regulations, CIT.

  1. 考核类型与形式

Chapter 2 Evaluation Types and Forms

第四条  课程考核分为考试与考查两种类型。考试一般采用笔试、口试或笔试加口试等形式;考查可根据课程特点,采用笔试、口试、论文、创作、设计等形式。课程考核类型必须在专业培养方案中明确规定。

Clause 4 Curriculum evaluation is divided into two types, one is conducted in the form of written, spoken, or written plus spoken, the other another adopts the form of written, spoken, essay, work creation, or work-design based on the course characteristics. Curriculum evaluation types shall be explicitly stipulated in the professional teaching plan.

  1. 考试纪律与考场规则

Chapter 3 Evaluation Disciplines and Rules

第五条  留学生应遵循以下考试纪律与考场规则:

Clause 5 Students should abide by the following disciplines and rules.


1. Obey exam supervisor’s arrangement. Failing to do so shall lead to exclusion from examination with the course score being zero.


2. Enter examination room 15 minutes in advance. Put student ID card or passport, examination admission card, etc. on the left top of the desk. Students without the required certificates are not allowed to take the examination.


3. Put textbooks, reference materials, exercises books, paper, bag, mobile phone, and electronic devices in required places after entering the examination room. Only necessary stationary is allowed on the desk (in the case of an open examination, only materials assigned by the teacher is allowed on the desk).


4. No using of electronic notebook, electronic dictionary, palmtop, calculator with text storage capability (excluding specially required cases), or communication devices (No timing tool is allowed).


5. Sit in the required place without unauthorized moving during examination.


6. No entry into the examination room 15 minutes after the examination starts. Hand in the examination paper at least 30 minutes after the examination begins.


7. Students cannot leave the examination room during the examination. In special cases, examination supervisor’s approval is required. Only one student is allowed to leave at the same time in the same examination room.


8. Keep quiet during the examination without talking or looking around. No borrowing is allowed without the examination supervisor’s permission.


9. In cases of paper distribution mistakes, illegible words, etc., students can raise hands and ask examination supervisors. No questions related to examination answer are allowed.


10. Fill in major, name, student number, etc, upon receiving the examination paper. Answer the paper with pen or ball pen in black or blue with neat handwriting. No pencil is allowed to answer the paper (excluding assistant drawing or filling the answer sheet). No marks are allowed in the paper except for the name and student number in required places. Answers written on the scratch paper is invalid.


11. Leave examination room immediately after handing in the papers. No stay in the room is allowed. No talking or chatting around the examination place is allowed. Stop answering the paper immediately after the finish bell rings.


12. Students violating examination disciplines, cheating, or providing cheating chances shall be punished according to relevant clauses in Regulations of Foreign Students’ Punishment in CIT (Revised).

  1. 成绩评定与管理

Chapter 4 Grading and Management

第六条  成绩记载与评定

Clause 6Performance Recording and Grading


1. For Type-one Curriculum Evaluation, scores are recorded according to percentage system, 60 means Pass. Students with a score of 60 or above can gain the course credits.


2. For Type-two Curriculum Evaluation, scores are recorded according to five-level system, namely Excellent, Good, Medium, Pass and Fail, which equals the score range of 90-100, 80-89, 70-79, 60-69, 0-59. Students with a Pass or above can gain the course credits.


3. To fully reflect the study quality of foreign students, course credits and grade point averages are adopted as their comprehensive evaluation index.


(1) The corresponding relationship between course grades and grade point averages



















Course grades (percentage)









Grade point





















Course grades (five-level)






Grade point







(2) Course credit grade point and grade point averages


Course credit grade point =Course credits×Corresponding grade point


4. The entire curriculum evaluation is mainly based on the results of final examinations and assessments, and partly on daily performance, mid-term examination, quiz, laboratory (or in-class) experiments, and so on. At the beginning of the semester, course teachers shall inform students of the specific course assessment and grading methods.


(1) Course daily performance consists of comprehensive evaluation based on class attendance, lecture listening, assignment, class discussion, etc.


2. Laboratory grading is based on experiment preview, operation and performance evaluation report.


3. For courses requiring assignment, experiment and practice, students should hand in assignment in time, complete experiment or practice report, after which they can attend course examinations. Plagiarized assignments are counted as failing to hand in. Students with up to one-third of the total course assignments missing shall not be allowed to take the final examination. They shall receive a “0” and shall have to restudy the same course.


4. Students being absent for over one-third of the total teaching hours of the courses shall not be allowed to take the final examination. They shall receive a “0”, and are required to restudy the same course.


5. Students failing to take examinations without any procedures shall receive a “0” and “Absence from Exam” shall be recorded in the report.


6. Students cheating in the examinations or breaking rules shall receive a “0”and “Cheating” or “Breaking Rules” shall be recorded in the report.


7. If students take make-up examinations, their scores shall be recorded in CIT Foreign Students Score Report according to their performance in the examination papers, but the grade point shall be counted based on 60 points.


8. Students failing the examination of a course are required to take the examination after they restudy the course. If they pass, their score of this course shall be recorded according to their actual performance. Students passing examinations but are dissatisfied with their performance in examinations or assessments can apply to restudy the course according to relevant provisions. The highest score shall be recorded accordingly. The overall performance consists of paper performance and daily performance, and credit grade point is counted accordingly.

第七条  成绩公布、查询与成绩证明的出具

Clause 7Publishing, Inquiry and Proof of Performance


  1. Within one week after the end of the semester, students can get access to the Academic Affairs Management System to inquire about their performance or School of International Cooperationshall inform students of their performance. Students are not allowed to go to the course teacher directly to check their examination papers. If they doubt about their course performance and have enough reason to check their examination papers, they can apply to School of International Cooperation two weeks within the beginning of the next semester. Once approval, the relevant school (teaching section of PE) offering the course is responsible for checking and informing students of the result. Application won’t be accepted beyond the set period.


2. School of International Cooperation shall check the performance for students in time and is responsible for informing the relevant students to get prepared for make-up examinations and restudy of courses.


3. Students can go to School of International Cooperation to have their Transcript printed with a stamp if they need proof of their performance. Then the transcript shall then be submitted to Department of Academic Affairs for a stamp. Graduates can inquire to CIT Archives Room for their performance.

第五章  缓考、补考与重修考试

Delayed Examinations, Make-up Examinations and Restudy Examinations

第八条  缓考

Clause 8 Delayed Examinations


1. Students who cannot take examinations for medical or other special reasons should submit corresponding certificates and Application Form for Delayed Examinations to School of International Cooperation. They can take delayed examinations upon approval.


2. In general, application for delayed examinations due to ordinary cases won’t get approved. Students who cannot take examinations because of emergent cases or irresistible reasons, in principle, should go through procedures of delayed examinations three days after examinations, otherwise, they shall be regarded as Being Absent from Exam.


3. Delayed examination is given at the same time as make-up examination after the new semester starts. The score of delayed examination is treated as the normal examination with Delayed Examinations being noted. Students are required to take the course again if they fail the delayed examination. Students failing to take delayed examination on time are regarded as a waiver.

第九条  补考

Clause 9 Make-up Examinations


1. Students failing theoretical courses but without behaviors such as being absent from examination or cheating in examination, etc. can take the make-up examinations


2. Students failing practical sessions are required to re-study the sessions, including internship, research project, etc.


3. Generally, make-up examinations shall be carried out before the second week of the following semester.


4. Students failing make-up examinations can apply to re-study the course and take re-study examinations.

第十条  重修及重修考试

Clause 10 Course Restudy and Restudy Examinations


1. Students failing the make-up examinations should re-study the courses. If such behaviors as being absent, cheating, or breaking rules, etc. happens, they should apply to restudy it at least 6 months later. Students passing and obtaining the credits but are dissatisfied with their performance can also apply to restudy the courses. Students having obtained credits are not allowed to restudy the practical sessions. The restudy fees shall be charged according to price standard set by Official Price Department.


2. In principle, students should retake the course in the second semester after the semester in which they fail the course. In the third week every semester, School of International Cooperation shall inform and guide the students to retake the course. Students should focus on the notice published by School of International Cooperation and select the courses within the set time to be qualified for restudy the course. In principle, every student can retake fewer than 3 courses every semester.


(1) Special class. CIT shall set up a special class with the student number amounting to 20 or more. CIT is responsible for arrangements for their examinations of general required courses. Schools (teaching section of PE) that provide disciplines, professional foundation courses and professional courses are responsible for arrangements for their examinations of such courses.


(2) Regular class. Students re-studying courses should attend regular classes with the students of lower grade with student number being fewer than 20. Schools (teaching section of PE) are responsible for assigning them into the regular classes with the students of lower grade and the same courses, attending lectures and examinations and assessments as well. If the restudy course conflicts with other courses they are learning, they can apply for self-study before taking restudy examinations. Students applying for self-study should submit assignments of the restudy courses (including essays) according to the requirements of the course teachers in the phase of self-study.

第十一条  留学生的补考和重修考试的组织、安排和考试参照《常州工学院课程考核管理办法》执行。

Clause 11 Foreign students’ make-up examinations and restudy examinations are organized, arranged and taken with reference to CIT Curriculum Evaluation Management Regulations.


Chapter IV Exemption Course

第十二条  留学生可以根据有关规定免修以下课程:《思想道德修养与法律基础》、《军事理论》、体育类课程、外语类课程以及按专题进行的教学环节。除哲学和政治学专业,其他留学生原则上还可以免修以下课程:《中国近现代史纲要》、《马克思主义基本原理》、《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》。申请免修的学生需填写选(退)课申请表,经专业所在二级学院、国际交流学院审核,报教务处批准备案。

Clause 12Foreign students are exempted from the following courses in accordance with corresponding regulations: Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Basic Law Education, Military Theory, PE courses, Foreign Language courses, and courses taught on different themes. Excluding Philosophy and Politics majors, students can be exempted from the following courses: Outline of Modern Chinese History, Basic Principle of Marxism and Political Theory. Students applying for Exemption Courses should fill in Application Form for Selection /Exemption Course, which shall be submitted to Department of Academic Affairs for approval and kept in record after being confirmed by relevant Schools and School of International Cooperation.

  1. 附  则

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

第十三条  本办法自发布之日起执行,由国际交流合作处、教务处负责解释。

Clause 13The provisions come into effect from the date it is issued. Department of International Exchange and Cooperation and Department of Academic Affairs are authorized for further explanation.