Regulations for Foreign Students’ Punishment, CIT (Revised)
总 则
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一条 为规范学校留学生管理行为,维护学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,依据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部第41号令)、《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》(教育部、外交部、公安部第42号令)以及有关法律、法规,参照《常州工学院学生管理规定》,结合我校留学生实际,制定本规定。
Clause 1Regulations are formulated in accordance with Regulations on Students Management in Universities (No. 41, Ministry of Education), Management on Enrollment and Cultivation of International Students (No. 42, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security) with reference to Management Regulations on Students, CITso as to maintain the regular teaching and living orders.
第二条 本规定适用于:经我校录取,获得上级教育主管部门批准入读我校,攻读学士学位的外国留学生;入读我校进修汉语的外国留学生;入读我校专业课程的进修生;参加我校与境外友好学校间交流项目、实习项目的外国留学生。
Clause 2Regulations are suitable for foreign students enrolled by CIT for bachelor’s degree education with approval from the higher education sectors, foreign students learning mandarin in CIT, foreign students learning major in CIT, foreign students study in CIT via exchange or internship programs, (Hereinafter referred to as “students”).
第三条 学校给予留学生处分,应当坚持教育与惩戒相结合,与学生违法、违纪行为的性质和过错的严重程度相适应。学校对学生的处分,应当做到证据充分、依据明确、定性准确、程序正当、处分适当。
Clause 3 The punishment delivered to students sticks to the principle of combination of education and punishment, consistency of violation seriousness with punishment severity as well as legal procedure, sufficient evidence, solid basis, correct determination and proper punishment.
第四条 对有违反法律法规、本规定以及学校纪律行为的留学生,学校给予批评教育,并可视情节轻重,给予如下纪律处分:
Clause 4 Students violating disciplines or rules shall receive relevant punishment according to nature and seriousness of the deeds, which include:
(一)警告;1. Warning
(二)严重警告;2. Serious Warning
(三)记过;3. Demerit Recording
(四)留校察看;4. Observation in CIT
(五)开除学籍。5. Expulsion from CIT
第二章 处分
Chapter 2 Punishment
第五条 违反中华人民共和国宪法,组织和煽动闹事,制造混乱,扰乱社会秩序,违反《中华人民共和国集会游行示威法》或其他有关法规,组织或未经有关部门批准擅自策划、组织大型集会、游行、示威等活动的,给予开除学籍处分;
Clause 5Students violating Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, making trouble, and disturbing social orders, or students violating Law of Parade and Demonstration of People’s Republic of China or other rules, establishing illegal organizations, organizing unauthorized gathering, parade or demonstration, will be expelled from CIT.
Students participating in unauthorized gathering, parade or demonstration shall be educated or get serious warning according to the violation seriousness.
第六条 触犯中国法律,构成刑事犯罪的,给予开除学籍处分;
Clause 6 Students violating the law of China which constitutes a criminal offense shall be expelled from CIT.
Students violating disciplines on computer Internet usage and network security in China which causes economic loss but without constituting a crime shall be punished according to violation seriousness ranging from serious warning to observation in CIT, those who cause economic losses shall bear relevant compensation liability.
Students cheating, making false certificates without constituting a crime shall be seriously warned or recorded demerit.
第七条 偷窃、诈骗国家、集体、个人财物的,给予下列处分:
Clause 7 Students stealing, defrauding national, collective or private property shall receive punishments as the following:
Stealing, defrauding national, collective or personal property for value less than 500 RMB shall receive the punishment of warning or serious warning.
Stealing, defrauding national, collective or personal property for value between 500 and 1000 RMB without constituting a crime shall receive the punishment of recording a demerit or observation according to the violation seriousness.
Committing group crimes with total values shared by all participants shall receive severe punishment according to the above-mentioned items.
Committed theft without obtaining any property shall receive punishment of warning or serious warning.
Stealing or defrauding repeatedly with a serious nature without constituting a crime shall receive punishment of observation or being expelled from CIT.
Getting involved in sharing or selling the stolen goods shall be punished according to items 1, 2 and 3.
第八条 受到治安管理处罚,情节严重、性质恶劣的,给予开除学籍处分;
Clause 8Students seriously punished by public security management shall be expelled from CIT.
Students taking drugs without constituting a crime shall be recorded demerit or observed in CIT. Other violations shall be punished ranging from being warned up to being observed in CIT.
第九条 违反考试规定的,给予以下纪律处分:
Clause 9 Students violating exam regulations shall get the following punishments.
1. In the following cases, students shall be expelled from CIT:
(1) Asking others to take exams or taking exams for others.
(2) Organizing cheating in exams.
(3) Using communication equipment, or Internet to cheat in exams.
(4) Selling exam papers or answers for profits.
(5) Committing other serious cheating activities.
2. In the following cases, students shall receive punishment of observation in CIT.
(1) Copying or assisting others to copy from other students’ papers or materials related to exams.
(2) Taking, spreading, or peering at exam related books, notes, reviewing materials, slips or others’ papers.
(3) Writing exam related contents on the desk, body, etc.
(4) Violating exam regulations by using electronic notebook, electronic dictionary, or calculation with memory function.
(5) Violating exam regulations by destroying exam papers or answer keys deliberately, taking exam papers out of exam room during exams on purpose.
(6) Getting the content of exams in advance by improper means.
3. In the following cases, students shall be viewed as violating regulations on exams and receive the punishment of serious warning or recording a demerit if they don’t correct behaviors after oral warning.
(1) Keeping books, notes or slips, etc. related to exams after being required to hand them in before the exam.
(2) Taking electronic devices such as mobile phone, electronic dictionary, palm computer, electronic notebook (No timing tool is allowed) etc. during the exam.
(3) Moving or holding up one’s answer sheet or used scratch paper to neighbor students in order to assist others’ cheating.
(4) Borrowing books, stationery, calculation, etc. without the approval of exam supervisors.
(5) Withholding from reporting to exam supervisors or tacitly approving when the answer sheet or scratch paper is being taken by others.
(6) Going in or out of exam room without exam supervisors’ approval.
(7) Making paper dirty deliberately.
4. In the following cases, students shall be viewed as violating regulations on exams and receive punishment of warning if they don’t correct behaviors after oral warning.
(1) Not complying with the arrangement of exam supervisors without sitting in the required seat.
(2) Making loud noise in or around exam places.
(3) Refusing to show valid certificates as required by exam supervisors.
(5) In cases that teachers find out cheating during paper marking or in other circumstances, students shall be punished according to related regulations once proved.
(6) Students asking teachers to give extra points or conceal the fact of cheating via begging, giving presents, treating, threatening, etc. shall be regarded as cheating and receive the punishment of recording a demerit or above.
第十条 学位论文、公开发表的研究成果存在抄袭、篡改、伪造等学术不端行为,情节严重的,或者代写论文、买卖论文的,给予开除学籍处分。
Clause 10Students with dishonest academic behaviors in the course of thesis paper writing or publishing research results, such as plagiarism, falsifying papers, submitting forged papers, buying or selling papers, writing papers for others shall be expelled from CIT.
第十一条 违反学校规定,严重影响学校教育教学秩序、生活秩序以及公共场合管理秩序的,给予开除学籍处分;
Clause 11 Students violating campus rules and seriously affecting daily teaching, learning, living and public management orders shall be expelled from CIT.
Other violations shall be punished as the following according to seriousness.
1. Students whose absent teaching hours add up to a certain number shall receive corresponding punishment:
(1) Students whose absent period is fewer than 10 teaching hours shall be criticized and educated.
(2) Students whose absent period is between 10 and 30 teaching hours shall receive the punishment of warning or serious warning.
(3) Students whose absent period is between 30 (including 30) and 60 teaching hours shall receive the punishment of recording a demerit or observation in CIT.
(4) Students leaving CIT without asking for permission shall be punished as playing truant with six credit hours per day and receive discipline punishment according to violation seriousness.
2. Students interfering with national working staff or CIT management staff on duty shall receive the punishment of recorded demerit or observation in CIT.
3. Students damaging public utilities, CIT or other people’s property on purpose, using electricity, fire or other dangerous goods against rules shall receive the punishment of serious warning. Those who cause severe consequences shall receive the punishment of observation in CIT and compensate for all the economic losses caused.
4. Students addicted to drinking and making trouble, gambling or providing gambling facilities shall receive the punishment of serious warning.
5. Students spreading or copying illegal books, magazines or audio-visual products, participating in illegal pyramid selling or engaging in heresy or feudalistic superstition activities shall receive the punishment of serious warning or recording a demerit.
6. Students insulting, committing defamation, making a false accusation or threatening others, invading others’ communication freedom shall receive the punishment of warning, serious warning or recording a demerit.
7. Students living on campus but going outside overnight or renting a room off campus without the approval of CIT shall receive the punishment of warning or serious warning. Those renting a room out of campus but violating certain regulations which had a bad impact on CIT shall get the punishment of recording a demerit or observation in CIT.
8. Students violating regulations of students’ club management, organizing unapproved club and carry out activities shall be given the punishment of serious warning. Students carrying out illegal activities in the name of legal student clubs which seriously violate regulations of student clubs and lead to harmful consequences shall receive the punishment of recording a demerit or observation in CIT according to violation seriousness.
9. Students organizing or joining in illegal social groups or organizations, issuing illegal journals, organizing unapproved social political or academic activities, or holding unapproved salon, clubs, etc. shall receive the punishment of recording a demerit or observation in CIT according to violation seriousness.
10. Students preaching and carrying out activities like religious gathering shall receive the punishment of recording a demerit or observation in CIT according to violation seriousness.
11. Students working full time, doing business or engaging in other business activities shall receive the punishment ranging from serious warning up to observation in CIT according to violation seriousness.
12. Students behaving inappropriately when dating or seriously violating social morality shall receive the punishment of recording a demerit or observation in CIT according to the violation seriousness.
第十二条 侵害其他个人、组织合法权益,造成严重后果的,给予开除学籍处分;
Clause 12 Students damaging the legal rights of other individuals or organizations which lead to serious consequences shall receive the punishment of being expelled from CIT.
Students organizing, plotting or participating in fighting or brawling without committing a crime without constituting a crime shall receive the punishment ranging from serious warning up to observation in CIT according to violation seriousness. They shall bear victims’ economic losses, including medical, nursing, nutrition expenses, etc.
1. Plotters and troublemakers of fighting or brawling shall receive punishment of recording a demerit. Those committing serious violations shall get the punishment of observation in CIT.
2. Students participating in fighting or brawling shall receive punishment of warning or serious warning according to the violation seriousness.
3. Students providing fighting equipment for others intentionally shall receive punishment of recording a demerit.
第十三条 屡次违反学校规定受到纪律处分,经教育不改的,给予开除学籍处分;
Clause 13Students repeatedly violating rules and regulations and being punished without improving shall be expelled from CIT.
第十四条 本规定没有列举的确应给予处分的违纪行为,可参照相近条款给予处分。
Clause 14In the cases where behaviors are not listed but deserve punishment, similar items shall be referred to.
第十五条 有下列情形之一的,可从轻或减轻处分:
Clause 15In the following cases, punishment shall be lightened,
1. Admitting faults on one’s own, having a deep realization, and doing well in repentance.
2. Revealing others’ incorrect behaviors which are proved true.
第十六条 学校对留学生作出处分,应当出具处分决定书。处分决定书包括下列内容:
Clause 16 Punishment decisions on students shall be in written form which includes the following information.
1. Students’ personal information;
2. Facts and evidence of the punishment decisions;
3. Punishment types, basis, and duration;
4. Appealing method and period;
5. Other necessary information.
第三章 处分的程序与管理
Chapter 3 Procedures and Management of Punishment
第十七条 在对留学生作出处分或者其他不利决定之前,学校应当告知留学生作出决定的事实、理由及依据,并告知留学生享有陈述和申辩的权利,听取留学生的陈述和申辩。
Clause 17 Before punishments are implemented on students or other punishing decisions are made, CIT shall notify students of the fact, reason and evidence of such punishments as well as inform them the rights to state and defend.
Punishment decisions and announcements shall be delivered directly to students themselves. In cases when students refuse to accept, detention shall be adopted. For students who have left CIT, post method shall be used. For students difficult to contact, CIT website or news media shall be adopted to ensure the announcement of the punishment.
第十八条 对留学生作出取消入学资格、取消学籍、退学、开除学籍或者其他涉及学生重大利益的处理或者处分决定的,应当提交校长办公会或者校长授权的专门会议研究决定,并应当事先进行合法性审查。
Clause 18In cases when disqualification, cancelling student status, dropping out, expulsion or other decisions or punishments are made which may affect students’ benefits, relevant materials shall be submitted to Presidents’ Meeting or special meetings authorized by presidents for approval with legality review being conducted in advance.
第十九条 警告、严重警告处分期限为6个月,记过、留校察看处分期限为12个月,处分到期根据留学生表现经过留学生申请、国际交流学院审核、学校审批予以解除或延期。留学生在处分未解除前,又违反有关规定,需再次给予处分的,根据情节轻重作出原处分延期或重新给予处分的决定。解除处分后,留学生获得表彰、奖励及其他权益,不再受原处分的影响。
Clause 19The period for warning and serious warning is for six months while that for record demerit and observation is twelve months. Punishments shall be stopped or continued upon the expiration of punishment when receiving students’ application with the review from School of International Cooperation and the approval from CIT. If students violate relevant regulations again before the end of the previous punishment, new punishment shall be given or previous punishment shall be continued according to violation seriousness. Students whose punishments have finished shall not be affected any more when applying for awards, prizes or other benefits.
第二十条 对留学生的奖励、处理、处分及解除处分材料,学校将真实完整地归入学校文书档案。
Clause 20Students’ awards, punishment, and punishment cancellation materials shall be completely recorded into students’ personal files in CIT.
Students whose are expelled from CIT shall be given study certificate by CIT. Students shall leave CIT within two weeks according to the set deadline of CIT. School of International Cooperation shall report the details to superior educational administrative department and exit-entry administration department, which shall withdraw residence permit for foreigners or shorten the period of stay in China according to the law.
第四章 申诉
Chapter 4 Appeal
第二十一条 留学生对学校作出的纪律处分决定或取消入学资格、退学处理有异议的,可参照《常州工学院学生管理规定》第六章“学生申诉”的流程及要求,向学校学生申诉处理委员会提出申诉。
Clause 21 Students with objection to CIT’s punishment, disqualification or dropping out decisions may appeal to CIT’s Appeal Committee according to the process and requirements listed in Chapter 6 of Students’ Management Regulations, CIT.
第五章 附则
Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions
第二十二条 本规定自公布之日起执行,由国际交流合作处负责解释。
Clause 22 The regulations come into effect from the date it is issued and Department of International Exchange and Cooperation is authorized for further explanation.